Thank you for considering to donate to Neighbourhood Farm. The quickest and easiest donation method is to pop into any of our little shops and buy our nutrient-dense organic produce. The proceeds of your purchases contribute towards the ongoing operational expenditure of our organisation. However, should you choose to donate larger sums, or donate for specific purposes, all donations are gladly accepted.
Please view the information below to learn more about the needs of the Farm and all the different ways you can contribute.
Neighbourhood Farm is a non-profit organisation, however there are numerous costs that are incurred in running an initiative such as this. We have great plans for further development of social urban agriculture in Cape Town and beyond, and need your assistance in achieving these goals. We especially appeal to those people who are unable to donate their time to consider making a financial donation. Please contact should you have any questions regarding donations or funding.
Neighbourhood Farms NPC (registration number 2016/370428/08) was registered under Section 21 of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 in 2016 as a not for profit (NPO) organisation in the Republic of South Africa (NPO Registration Number 204-755 NPO). In addition, we are a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), PBO Registration Number 930063459, and can issue a section 18A certificates to help reduce income tax liabilities for donors. Please contact us if this is of interest.
Donations can be made into the following account
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Long Beach
Branch code: 250655
Account number: 62797725424
Name of account: Neighbourhood Farms NPC
Ref: Surname / Company Name, email address
For international bank transfers:
Head Office and All South African Offices
4 Merchant Place, Corner Fredman drive and Rivonia
South Africa